Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Everything DiSC® Group Reports & Follow-Up Tools - Free Everything DiSC Supplement for Facilitators

At a Glance

The Everything DiSC Supplement for Facilitators is a free DiSC report that can be generated off of any Everything DiSC profile (including WorkplaceSalesManagementWork of Leaders and 363 for Leaders). 

This free Supplement for Facilitators report is a quick and easy review of your participants' DiSC style but takes it a step further by providing both the participant's scores in each of the DiSC styles and their unexpected characteristics. This information will help you ask better interview questions with potential hires and conduct more meaningful discussions with employees as you explore aspects of participants' personality that may not be consistent with their primary or secondary DiSC style.

Report Features
  • DiSC Scales – The participant’s “umbrella graph” shows their scores across the eight different DiSC scales, a visual representation of how invested the participant is in each DiSC personality style.
  • Unexpected Items – This portion of the report shows your participant’s unexpected behaviors (based on their answers and their DiSC style). For example, if your participant’s DiSC style is an iS, but they mentioned an attention to detail as an important aspect of their behavioral style.
  • Priority Sub-scales – The bar graph shows you the participant’s scores in each of the eight priority sub-scales. This allows you to see how important each of the priorities are to your participant.
  • Definitions & Frequently Asked Questions – The last page of the report includes definitions of frequently used DiSC verbiage and FAQ’s about the report. 

Who's Using the Reports
Human resources managers, training facilitators, coaches, managers, organizational development professionals and consultants.

Its Cost
FREE with EPIC Account

Generating the Report
This report is available to ALL EPIC Account Holders using the Everything DiSC® profiles. An Everything DiSC Supplement for Facilitators can be generated off of any of the Everything DiSC profiles

EPIC Users: Click on “Manage Reports \ View Completion Reports” and use Search Criteria to pull up the profile you want to generate. You’ll be given the option to print off both the profile and Supplement for Facilitators or each of them by themselves.

Sample Reports

What People Are Saying About It
“I switched from the original DiSC Profile to Everything DiSC for Workplace to help with my interview process. I noticed that not only do I receive more information on the candidate, but the Supplement for Facilitators report provides some really interesting data that I make sure to bring up in my interviews."

“I use the Comparison Reports and Supplement for Facilitators reports during my mentor sessions with my employees. The supplement report helps us find some common ground that we may have not known about before.”

Need to catch up?
We're highlighting each of the Everything DiSC group reports & follow-up reports that make Everything DiSC the BEST DiSC Profile System to use for your next training.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

DiSC Profiles is NOW on Facebook!

DiSC Profiles is NOW on Facebook, and we invite you to join our community! 

If you like DiSC profiles, personality quizzes and chatting with colleagues, visit our 
Facebook page today! 

You may even get a chance to complete a free assessment test!!!! 

Please be sure to like us in order to:

  • Provide feedback on what type of profiles & products YOU would like to see
  • Connect with colleagues who have the same interests and challenges as you
  • Learn more about the most popular DiSC profiles available on the market 
  • Find tools & techniques for conducting effective DiSC training programs 
  • Get invited to participate in beta testing of new products
  • Stay updated on new products, trends and SALES 
  • Register and attend online, product showcases for FREE, just for being a fan! 
We want to hear from you, so please like us today! 

Currently on the DiSC Profiles page you can complete a free assessment test, so hurry and "like" us today! 

Chat with us! 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Everything DiSC® Group Reports & Follow-Up Tools - Free Everything DiSC Sales Customer Interaction Map

At a Glance
Each Everything DiSC® Sales Profile comes with unlimited access to free Everything DiSC Customer Interaction Maps, designed to help your sales team put DiSC to good use, even long after training.  

Participants receive access to their Everything DiSC Follow Up Activities portal , where they can create new customer interaction maps and review existing profiles at any time. Your team does NOT need to know anything about DiSC to create the reports. They’ll just enter their customer’s name, answer a few questions and a personalized report on how to sell to that customer will be automatically generated for them and saved to their personalized portal. 

The Everything DiSC Sales & follow-up reports improve your sales team’s effectiveness by helping them understand their DiSC style, identify customers' styles, and adapt their sales approach to meet customers’ needs. 

Website Features
  • 24/7 Access to Participant's Everything DiSC Sales Profile (if  made available to them)
  • Create Free, unlimited Customer Interaction Maps in just minutes
  • 24/7 Access to previously generated Customer Interaction Maps
  • Bookmark Capability 

Report Features
  • Everything DiSC Circular Map – Both DiSC styles are plotted on the map to provide a visual representation of their DiSC styles and distance from one another.
  • Priorities Comparison – This section lists your customers’ priorities from your perspective.
  • Strategies for Interaction – Each Customer Interaction Map will include three strategies for successful interaction with your customer. Strategies will vary, depending on customer’s DiSC style, truly providing a unique, personalized report. 

Who's Using the Reports
Anyone in some type of sales role, including salespeople, sales leaders, sales trainers and sales managers. 

Its Cost
FREE with the purchase of Everything DiSC Sales profile.

Generating the Report
This report is available to anyone using the Everything DiSC Sales profile. 

EPIC Users: Click on “Create a New Report/Issue Access Code” and select Everything DiSC as the product family and Everything DiSC Sales Profile as the product. You'll be prompted to "enable Follow-Up Activity option for the Report." Get started.

Sample Reports
“I’ve received some awesome feedback from our sales team about the customer interaction maps. Some of my employees have pointed out to me that the maps help them with even the most difficult customers.”

“I have to say I love the Everything DiSC Sales profile because it tells me my DiSC style and how to sell to customers of every DiSC style. I’ve made creating Customer Interaction Maps a part of my customer research and prep. routine. It only takes a few minutes, so I answer the questions, name the report and can review it before I talk to them.”

Need to catch up?
We're highlighting each of the Everything DiSC group reports & follow-up reports that make Everything DiSC the BEST DiSC Profile System to use for your next training.

Week 1 - About Everything DiSC
Week 2 - Everything DiSC Group Culture Report
Week 3 - Everything DiSC Team View
Week 4 - Everything DiSC Facilitator Report
Week 5 - Everything DiSC Comparison Reports

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Everything DiSC® Group Reports & Follow Up Tools - FREE Everything DiSC® Comparison Report

At a Glance
Everything DiSC® Comparison Reports are free disc reports that can be created for any two Everything DiSC® participants, whether they have taken workplace, sales, leadership or management DiSC reports. The Comparison Report is a research-validated report that compares participants to each in other in order to build better relationships and reinforce training. It is also commonly used to help repair relationships between particular team members, as well.

Each participant receives a personalized report designed specifically for them on how to work with the other team member. The Comparison Report allows the participant to not only discover their similarities and differences, but also make notes and highlight certain areas of interest or concern.

Report Features

  • Welcome Back to Everything DiSC – Reintroduces participants to the Everything DiSC Map by reviewing the DiSC styles and their behaviors.
  • DiSC Style Comparison – This portion lays the foundation for comparing the two participants to each other. Participants’ names and DiSC styles are plotted on the map to provide a visual representation of their DiSC styles and distance from one another. Finally, a brief paragraph provides insight on understanding each other’s priorities.
  • Your Similarities and Differences – Participants are given instructions on using the data within the comparison report in order to effectively communicate with the other person. Each person receives personalized narrative on where they and their team member fall on 6 trait continuum's, chosen specifically because of their DiSC styles.
  • Summary & Action Planning – This section prompts for discussion and action toward building a better relationship with the other team member. Your team members can rank the 6 traits by importance to their relationship and develop action items for how to do so.
Who’s Using It
Human resources managers, training facilitators, coaches, managers, organizational development professionals and consultants.

Its Cost
FREE with EPIC Account

Generating the Report
This report is available to ALL EPIC Account Holders using the Everything DiSC profiles. Everything DiSC Comparison Reports can be generated once 2 participants have taken any of the Everything DiSC profiles (including WorkplaceSalesManagementWork of Leaders and 363 for Leaders). 

EPIC Users: Click on “Create a New Report/Issue Access Code” and select Everything DiSC as the product family and Everything DiSC Comparison Report as the product. You’ll be prompted to select the participants you’d like to be included in the report. This report can include as many participants as you’d like, as long as they have completed one of the Everything DiSC profiles (including Workplace, Sales, Management, Work of Leaders and 363 for Leaders).

Sample Report
Everything DiSC Comparison Report 

What People Are Saying About It
“I have used other "profiles" in the past but made the switch to Everything DiSC when I learned about the comparison reports. I noticed that other "profiles" lacked the follow-up reporting I needed. I also like that they are customizable, and you can run as many as you need with just a few clicks."

“I used these profiles and reports with a training program for my sales team. Our sales team took the Everything DiSC Sales profile. Their Manager took Everything DiSC Management, and then I ran Comparison Reports on everyone so they could do one-on-one sessions during their weekly meetings. It was really easy."

Need to catch up?
We're highlighting each of the Everything DiSC group reports & follow-up reports that make Everything DiSC the BEST DiSC Profile System to use for your next training.

Week 1 - About Everything DiSC
Week 2 - Everything DiSC Group Culture Report
Week 3 - Everything DiSC Team View
Week 4 - Everything DiSC Facilitator Report