Monday, June 07, 2010

DiSC: From Line Graphs to Circle Graphs

I recently attended a training session based on the latest DiSC model. The session was interesting and extremely informative; it never ceases to amaze me how much goes into behavior profiling. Below, please find a review of what I learned about the new circular DiSC model and how it makes a difference to you. For over thirty years, DiSC has been used to help people understand their behavior and how it impacts others. As personal and organizational needs continue to evolve, so do the ways in which the DiSC model can be measured and symbolized. A new approach to measuring DiSC transitions away from the line graph used in the DiSC Classic products to the more contemporary circle graph used in the Everything DiSC Application Library products. The circumplex bears a closer resemblance the earliest representation of the DiSC model as explained by William Marston, the pioneer of DiSC theory. Marston presented DiSC as a circle on a color wheel, which illustrated the continuous nature of behavior. By identifying a participant’s DiSC style with a dot on a circle graph, now participants are able to quickly see where they fall on the DiSC spectrum in comparison to the other styles. It also provides a more visually apparent demonstration of the similarities and differences between the styles. Here are some of the benefits of the circle model:
  • The circular graph is a more intuitive and memorable representation of the DiSC model. It illustrates the blend of behaviors to better reflect the flow of personality styles.
  • Shading on the circle map indicates areas where a person might easily adapt in a situation and areas that may require the participant to stretch.
  • It allows the facilitator to quickly assess the group composition. The Group Reports represent the entire team as individual dots on the circle map. This helps the instructor to identify the implications of the group dynamics.
  • The priority words around the circle map provide an easy and memorable way for participants to apply their DiSC knowledge to everyday life. Instead of learning about abstract personality theories, participants can quickly see the relevance of their DiSC styles to their goals.
  • The scoring in the EDAL products is more precise. Instead of the traditional 4 scales (D, i, S, C), participants’ dots are weighted on 8 scales (D, Di, i, iS, S, SC, C or CD). Respondents also have more freedom to answer in a way that best describes them. Instead of answering a forced-choice survey, participants assess themselves based on 79 questions rated on a 5-point scale.
While the line graph depiction of the DiSC model is still viable and useful, the circular representation of the DiSC graph provides a new way to understand and apply DiSC. The circumplex helps people to visually interpret relationships while realizing patterns in group dynamics.
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